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Title: Costs and challenges of the curriculum vitae for SET Urology training positions: a qualitative analysis
Authors: Cole-Clark, D.;Rashid, P.
MNCLHD Author: Cole-Clark, Dane
Rashid, Prem
Issue Date: Feb-2024
Citation: ANZ Journal of Surgery . 2024 Feb;94(1-2):57-62.
Abstract: Background: Surgical training programs within Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand have become more competitive. Applicants are required to build a strong application over curriculum vitae (CV), references and interview. The building of the CV often comes at significant financial and time cost with challenges. This study explores successful applicants' experiences of the costs and challenges to build a successful CV for acceptance onto the Urology training program within Australia and New Zealand. Methods: Qualitative content analysis (QCA) was undertaken of semi-structured interviews conducted with 11 nSET Urology trainees. QCA focused on the identification and evaluation of costs and challenges experienced. Analysis was reviewed over the domain of CV components. Results: Costs of building each domain differed significantly between trainees as they focussed on various domains. Challenges encountered were identified with four themes were identified with associated subthemes: Passion/Commitment (two subthemes); Researching Pathways (six subthemes); Challenges (two subthemes) and Acceptance Success (two subthemes). Conclusions: The commitment to a surgical specialty begins before acceptance onto a training program. A high-level CV is an integral component of acceptance onto the Urology training program. Each trainee had a different journey, including time and financial sacrifices, to obtain acceptance whilst demonstrating a strong motivation for success. The average cost of each trainee who gained acceptance was $50 779 over 3 years. Consideration should be given to making the CV component less onerous.
Keywords: Urology;New Zealand;Australia;Specialties, Surgical;Training Support
Appears in Collections:Medicine

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