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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 81
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Nov-2014The NSW Safe Sedation ProjectSutherland, J. R.; Rawstron, E.; Ball, C.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Sep-2011What does the future hold for general medicine? CommentSutherland, J. R.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Oct-2010Patient safety: time for a transformational change in medical educationSutherland, J. R.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Apr-2009Steroidal antiandrogen administration to treat gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue-induced orchialgiaSteer, A. N.; Aherne, N. J.; Chong, V. S.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Steer, Anna N.; Aherne, Noel; Shakespeare, Thomas P. 
Feb-1997The influence of dressings on venous ulcer healing--a randomised trialStacey, M. C.; Jopp-Mckay, A. G.; Rashid, P.; Hoskin, S. E.; Thompson, P. J.; Rashid, Prem 
Feb-2013Grading clinical guidelines for the use of transmucosal immediate-release fentanyl products in breakthrough painHandsaker, Scott; Dempsey, L.; Fabby, C.; Handsaker, Scott 
Jan-2023Successful restoration of spermatogenesis following gender-affirming hormone therapy in transgender womendie Nie, I.; van Mello, N. M.; Vlahakis, E.; Cooper, C.; Peri, A.; den Heijer, M.; Meißner, A.; Huirne, J.; Pang, K. C.; Vlahkis, Emanuel 
Sep-2023Determinants of access to general practice in a shared care model for people living with HIV: a qualitive study of patients' perspectives in an Australian rural communityCunningham, J.; Bailie, J.; Warner, S.; Condon, A.; Cheung, D.; Minc, A.; Herbert, S.; Edmiston, N.; Minc, Ariane; Edmiston, Natalie 
Jul-2022A Testing Campaign Intervention Consisting of Peer-Facilitated Engagement, Point-of-Care HCV RNA Testing, and Linkage to Nursing Support to Enhance Hepatitis C Treatment Uptake among People Who Inject Drugs: The ETHOS Engage StudyConway, A.; Valerio, H.; Alavi, M.; Silk, D.; Treloar, C.; Hajarizadeh, B.; Marshall, A. D.; Martinello, M.; Milat, A.; Dunlop, A.; Murray, C.; Prain, B.; Henderson, C.; Amin, J.; Read, P.; Marks, P.; Degenhardt, L.; Hayllar, J.; Reid, D.; Gorton, C.; Lam, T.; Christmass, M.; Wade, A.; Montebello, M.; Dore, G. J.; Grebely, J.; ETHOS Engage Study Group; Wade, Alexandra 
Aug-2016Capnography for Moderate Sedation During Routine EGD and ColonoscopyConway, A.; Douglas, C.; Sutherland, J. R.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Apr-2016A systematic review of capnography for sedationConway, A.; Douglas, C.; Sutherland, J. R.; Sutherland, J. 
Jul-2015Capnography monitoring during procedural sedation and analgesia: a systematic review protocolConway, A.; Douglas, C.; Sutherland, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Dec-2017High quality of evidence is uncommon in Cochrane systematic reviews in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Emergency MedicineConway, A.; Conway, Z.; Soalheira, K.; Sutherland, J.; Sutheralnd, Joanna 
Oct-2020Pre-apneic capnography waveform abnormalities during procedural sedation and analgesiaConway, A.; Collins, P.; Chang, K.; Mafeld, S.; Sutherland, J.; Fingleton, J.; Parotto, M.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Jan-2019A One Health investigation of Salmonella enterica serovar Wangata in north-eastern New South Wales, Australia, 2016-2017Collins, J.; Simpson, K. M. J.; Bell, G.; Durrheim, D. N.; Hill-Cawthorne, G. A.; Hope, K.; Howard, P.; Kohlenberg, T.; Lawrence, K.; Lilly, K.; Porigneaux, P.; Sintchenko, V.; Wang, Q.; Ward, M. P.; Wiethoelter, A.; Mor, S. M.; Flint, J.; Bell, G. 
Feb-2024Costs and challenges of the curriculum vitae for SET Urology training positions: a qualitative analysisCole-Clark, D.; Rashid, P.; Cole-Clark, Dane; Rashid, Prem 
Feb-2024What is the prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in an Australasian emergency department population?Clemensen, E.; Lau, G. T.; Popovic, G.; Lau, Gabriel T. 
Jun-2017Challenges and next steps in teaching professionalism in surgical training.Churchill, J. A.; Rashid, P.; Churchill, James A.; Rashid, Prem 
May-2012Photoselective vaporization of the prostate using the 180W lithium triborate laser.Chung, A. S. J.; Chabert, C.; Yap, H-W; Lam, J.; Awad, N.; Nuwayhid, F.; Redwig, F.; Rashid, P.; Woo, H. H.; Awad, Nader; Rashid, Prem 
May-2010Bacterial cystitis in womenChung, A.; Arianayagam, M.; Rashid, P.; Rashid, Prem 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 81