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Title: Androgen deficiency in the aging man
Authors: Arianayagam, R.;Arianayagam, M.;McGrath, S.;Rashid, P.
MNCLHD Author: Arianayagam, Ranjan
Arianayagam, Mohan
Rashid, Prem
Issue Date: Oct-2010
Citation: Australian Family Physician . 2010 Oct;39(10):752-5.
Abstract: Background: Androgen deficiency in the aging man is an area of considerable debate because a gradual decline in testosterone may simply be part of the normal aging process. However, there is an alternative view that androgen deficiency in the aging man may constitute a valid and underdiagnosed disorder. Objective: To discuss the aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of androgen deficiency in the aging man. Discussion: Late onset hypogonadism has clinical features that overlap with both normal aging and some pathological conditions. It can only be diagnosed on the basis of both suggestive clinical features and clear biochemical evidence of testosterone deficiency. In this group of patients medication may play a role.
Keywords: Male;Testosterone;Androgens;Hypogonadism;Testosterone Congeners;Aging;Eunuchism
Appears in Collections:Medicine

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