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Title: Removal of sinks and bathing changes to control multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria in a neonatal intensive care unit: a retrospective investigation
Authors: Tracy, M.;Ryan, L.;Samarasekara, H.;Leroi, M.;Polkinghorne, A.;Branley, J.
MNCLHD Author: Ryan, L.
Issue Date: Apr-2020
Citation: Journal of Hospital Infection . 2020 Apr;104(4):508-510. doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2020.01.014.
Abstract: No abstract available.
Keywords: Gram-Negative Bacteria;Intensive Care Units, Neonatal;Neonates;Communicable Diseases
Appears in Collections:Paediatrics
Public Health / Health Promotion

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