Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 66
Preview | Issue Date | Title / Name | Author(s) |
| Jul-2019 | A cluster randomised trial of an intervention to increase the implementation of physical activity practices in secondary schools: study protocol for scaling up the Physical Activity 4 Everyone (PA4E1) program | Sutherland, R.; Campbell, E.; Nathan, N.; Wolfenden, L.; Lubans, D. R.; Morgan, P. J.; Gillham, K.; Oldmeadow, C.; Searles, A.; Reeves, P.; Williams, M.; Evans, N.; Bailey, A.; Morrison, R.; McLaughlin, M.; Wiggers, J.; Bailey, Andrew | |
| Aug-2020 | Scale-up of the Physical Activity 4 Everyone (PA4E1) intervention in secondary schools: 12-month implementation outcomes from a cluster randomized controlled trial | Sutherland, R.; Campbell, E.; McLaughlin, M.; Nathan, N.; Wolfenden, L.; Lubans, D. R.; Morgan, P. J.; Gillham, K.; Oldmeadow, C.; Searles, A.; Reeves, P.; Williams, M.; Kajons, N.; Bailey, A.; Boyer, J.; Lecathelinais, C.; Davies, L.; McKenzie, T.; Hollis, J.; Wiggers, J.; Bailey, Andrew | |
| Jun-2021 | A multicomponent mHealth-based intervention (SWAP IT) to decrease the consumption of discretionary foods packed in school lunchboxes: type I effectiveness-implementation hybrid cluster randomized controlled trial | Sutherland, R.; Brown, A.; Nathan, N.; Yoong, S.; Janssen, L.; Chooi, A.; Hudson, N.; Wiggers, J.; Kerr, N.; Evans, N.; Gillham, K.; Oldmeadow, C.; Searles, A.; Reeves, P.; Davies, M.; Reilly, K.; Cohen, B.; Wolfenden, L.; Kerr, Nicola | |
| 12-Nov-2019 | Protocol for an effectiveness- implementation hybrid trial to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an m-health intervention to decrease the consumption of discretionary foods packed in school lunchboxes: the 'SWAP IT' trial | Sutherland, R.; Brown, A.; Nathan, N.; Janssen, L.; Reynolds, R.; Walton, A.; Hudson, N.; Chooi, A.; Yoong, S.; Wiggers, J.; Bailey, A.; Evans, N.; Gillham, K.; Oldmeadow, C.; Searles, A.; Reeves, P.; Rissel, C.; Davies, M.; Reilley, K.; Cohen, B.; McCallum, T.; Wolfenden, L.; Walton, Alison; Bailey, Andrew | |
| Jan-2025 | Informed, but uncertain: managing transmission risk and isolation in the 2022 mpox outbreak among gay and bisexual men in Australia | Storer, D.; Holt, M.; Paparini, S.; Haire, B.; Cornelisse, V. J.; MacGibbon, J.; Broady, T. R.; Lockwood, T.; Delpech, V.; McNulty, A.; Smith, A. K. J.; Delpech, Valerie | |
| Jun-2019 | Pertussis morbidity in children 12-59 months of age: a NSW Public Health Network study | Staff, M.; Nyinawingeri, A.; Denniss, K.; Ingleton, A.; Jelfs, J.; Corben, P.; Jelfs, Jane; Corben, Paul | |
| Nov-2016 | Errors and Predictors of Confidence in Condom Use amongst Young Australians Attending a Music Festival | Hall, K.M.; Brieger, D.G.; De Silva, S.H.; Pfister, B.F.; Youlden, D.J.; John-Leader, Franklin; Pit, S.W.; John-Leader, Franklin | |
| Aug-2020 | Patterns of ecstasy use amongst live music event attendees and their opinions on pill testing: a cross sectional study | Southey, M.; Kathirgamalingam, A.; Crawford, B.; Kaul, R.; McNamara, J.; John-Leader, F.; Heslop, J.; Pit, S. W.; John-Leader, Franklin | |
| Oct-2024 | Mpox illness narratives: stigmatising care and recovery during and after an emergency outbreak | Smith, A. K. J.; Storer, D.; Lancaster, K.; Haire, B.; Newman, C. E.; Paparini, S.; MacGibbon, J.; Cornelisse, V. J.; Broady, T. R.; Lockwood, T. R.; McNulty, A.; Delpech, V.; Holt, M.; Delpech, Valerie | |
| Sep-2023 | Evaluating the scaling up of an effective implementation intervention (PACE) to increase the delivery of a mandatory physical activity policy in primary schools | Hall, A.; Lane, C.; Wolfenden, L.; Wiggers, J.; Sutherland, R.; McCarthy, N.; Jackson, R.; Shoesmith, A.; Reeves, P.; Bauman, A.; Gillham, K.; Nathan, N.; Lecathelinais, C.; Boyer, J.; Naylor, P.J.; Kerr, N.; Kajons, N.; Kerr, N. | |
| Sep-2015 | Outbreak-related Hendra virus infection in a NSW pet dog. | Halim, S.; Polkinghorne, B.; Bell, Greg; Sheppeard, V.; van den Berg, Debra; Bell, Greg; van den Berg, Debra | |
| Jan-2018 | Music festival attendees' illicit drug use, knowledge and practices regarding drug content and purity: a cross-sectional survey | Day, N.; Criss, J.; Griffiths, B.; Gujral, S. K.; John-Leader, F.; Johnston, J.; Pit, S.; John-Leader, Franklin | |
| Oct-2024 | A cross-sectional study assessing concordance with advance care directives in a rural health district | Curley, D.; Kinsman, L.; Mooney, G.; Whiteford, G.; Lower, T.; Hobbs, M.; Morris, B.; Bartlett, K; Jacob, A.; Curley, Dan; Mooney, Graeme; Morris, Beverly; Bartlett, Beverley | |
| Oct-2023 | How Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand avoided large-scale mpox (formerly monkeypox) outbreaks in 2022-2023 | Cornelisse, V. J.; Heath-Paynter, D.; Delpech, V.; Read, P.; Apostolellis, A.; Medland, N. A.; MacIntyre, C. R.; Giola, M.; Kidd, M.; Delpech, Valerie | |
| Dec-2016 | To close the childhood immunization gap, we need a richer understanding of parents' decision-making | Corben, P.; Leask, J.; Corben, Paul | |
| May-2018 | Vaccination hesitancy in the antenatal period: a cross-sectional survey | Corben, P.; Leask, J.; Corben, Paul | |
| Mar-2015 | "Exercise is Medicine": curbing the burden of chronic disease and physical inactivity | Coombes, J. S.; Law, J.; Lancashire, B.; Fassett, R. G.; Lancashire, Bill | |
| May-2021 | Motivations, dating app relationships, unintended consequences and change in sexual behaviour in dating app users at an Australian music festival | Garga, S.; Thomas, M.T.; Bhatia, A.; Sullivan, A.; John-Leader, Franklin; Pit, S.W.; John-Leader, Franklin | |
| May-2012 | Sporotrichosis (Sporothrix schenckii infection) in the New South Wales mid-north coast, 2000-2010 | Sivagnanam, S.; Bannan, A. M.; Chen, S. C. A.; Ralph, A. P.; Bannan, Aiveen | |
| Apr-2021 | Geosocial Networking Dating App Usage and Risky Sexual Behaviour in Young Adults Attending a Music Festival: Cross-sectional Questionnaire Study | Kukafka, R.; Moukalled, S.; Ma, B.; Garga, S.; Thomas, M.; Bhatia, A.; Sullivan, A.; John-Leader, Franklin; Pit, S.; John-Leader, Franklin | |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 66