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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Feb-2019Accuracy and precision of transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring: a systematic review and meta-analysisConway, A.; Tipton, E.; Liu, W-H.; Conway, Z.; Soalheira, K.; Sutherland, J.; Fingleton, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Jul-2015Capnography monitoring during procedural sedation and analgesia: a systematic review protocolConway, A.; Douglas, C.; Sutherland, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
May-2018Cost-effectiveness of forced air warming during sedation in the cardiac catheterisation laboratoryConway, A.; Duff, J.; Sutherland, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
May-2015Depth of anaesthesia monitoring during procedural sedation and analgesia: a systematic review protocolConway, A.; Sutherland, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
May-2021Development and validation of the nursing confidence in managing sedation complications scaleConway, A.; Chang, K.; Kamboj, N.; Sutherland, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Apr-2018Forced air warming during sedation in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory: a randomised controlled trialConway, A.; Ersotelos, S.; Sutherland, J.; Duff, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Dec-2017High quality of evidence is uncommon in Cochrane systematic reviews in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Emergency MedicineConway, A.; Conway, Z.; Soalheira, K.; Sutherland, J.; Sutheralnd, Joanna 
Oct-2015Inadvertent Hypothermia After Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in a Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory: A Prospective Observational StudyConway, A.; Kennedy, W.; Sutherland, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Mar-2021Midazolam for sedation before procedures in adults and children: a systematic review updateConway, A.; Chang, K.; Mafeld, S.; Sutherland, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Oct-2020Pre-apneic capnography waveform abnormalities during procedural sedation and analgesiaConway, A.; Collins, P.; Chang, K.; Mafeld, S.; Sutherland, J.; Fingleton, J.; Parotto, M.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Jul-2019Sequence analysis of capnography waveform abnormalities during nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia in the cardiac catheterization laboratoryConway, A.; Collins, P.; Chang, K.; Mafeld, S.; Sutherland, J.; Findgletom, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Apr-2016A systematic review of capnography for sedationConway, A.; Douglas, C.; Sutherland, J. R.; Sutherland, J.