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Title: Development and validation of the nursing confidence in managing sedation complications scale
Authors: Conway, A.
Chang, K.
Kamboj, N.
Sutherland, J.
MNCLHD Author: Sutherland, Joanna
Issue Date: May-2021
Citation: Nursing Open . 2021 May;8(3):1135-1144.
Abstract: Aim: To develop the Nursing Confidence in Managing Sedation Complications Scale. Design: A multi-phased approach was used. Methods: An initial bank of items was created based on the authors' experience and clinical practice guidelines. An expert panel assessed content validity. Exploratory factor analysis was used for item reduction and regression was used to explore construct validity. Responsiveness was evaluated using a pre-test post-test design. Results: Criteria for content validity was met for 34 items. An 18-item, three-factor solution was identified from exploratory factor analysis performed using Nursing Confidence in Managing Sedation Complications Scale scores from 228 nurses. Subscales accounted for 66% of the variance. Cronbach's alpha for the scale (0.95) and subscales was high (>0.85). There were differences (p < .001) in Nursing Confidence in Managing Sedation Complications Scale scores relative to years of experience and work environment. NC-MSCS scores increased significantly from before to after sedation training (mean difference = 31.8; 95% CI = 24.4-39; N = 31). Keywords: conscious sedation; deep sedation; item response theory; nursing; patient safety; scale development; self-efficacy.
Keywords: Self Efficacy;Conscious Sedation;Deep Sedation;Patient Safety;Working Conditions;Factor Analysis, Statistical
Appears in Collections:Allied Health

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