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PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Oct-201624-month durability after crossover to the prostatic urethral lift from randomised, blinded shamRukstalis, D.; Rashid, P.; Bogache, W. K.; Tutrone, R. F.; Barkin, J.; Chin, P. T.; Woo, H. H.; Cantwell, A. L.; Cowan, B. E.; Bolton, D. M.; Rashid, Prem 
Oct-2010Androgen deficiency in the aging manArianayagam, R.; Arianayagam, M.; McGrath, S.; Rashid, P.; Arianayagam, Ranjan; Arianayagam, Mohan; Rashid, Prem 
May-2010Bacterial cystitis in womenChung, A.; Arianayagam, M.; Rashid, P.; Rashid, Prem 
Feb-2024Barriers and enablers of active surveillance for prostate cancer: a qualitive study of cliniciansPattenden, T. A.; Thagasamy, I. A.; Ong, W. L.; Samaranayke, D.; Morton, A.; Murphy, D. G.; Evans, S.; Millar, J.; Chalasani, V.; Rashid, P.; Winter, M.; Vela, I.; Pryor, D.; Mark, S.; Loeb, S.; Lawrentschuk, N.; Pritchard, E.; Rashid, Prem 
2007Bladder care : your self help guideRashid, P.; Doyle, A.; Hibbard, V.; Rashid, Prem; Doyle, Ann 
Aug-2015Bullying among urology trainees in Australia and New Zealand: lessons from a cross-sectional surveyArianayagam, R.; Rashid, P.; Arianayagam, Ranjan; Rashid, Prem 
Jun-2017Challenges and next steps in teaching professionalism in surgical training.Churchill, J. A.; Rashid, P.; Churchill, James A.; Rashid, Prem 
Sep-2007Chemotherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer--is there a role?Arianayagam, M.; Chang, J.; Rashid, P.; Arianayagam, Mohan; Chang, Jeff; Rashid, Prem 
May-2017Citation indices for social media articles in urologyCalopedos, R. J. S.; Garcia, C.; Rashid, P.; Murphy, D. G.; Lawrentschuk, N.; Woo, H. H.; Rashid, Prem 
Apr-2005Clinical practice: review. Can we prevent prostate cancer?Chong, P.; Rashid, P.; Rashid, Prem 
Sep-1994Corpora cavemosa stretch for veno-occlusive dysfunctionStacey, M. C.; Trengrove, N.; Rashid, P.; Keogh, E. G.; Earle, C.; Rashid, Prem 
Feb-2024Costs and challenges of the curriculum vitae for SET Urology training positions: a qualitative analysisCole-Clark, D.; Rashid, P.; Cole-Clark, Dane; Rashid, Prem 
Dec-2021Cultural safety and racismRashid, P.; Ronald, M.; Kong, K.; Rashid, Prem 
1992The effect of using high compression elastic stockings on oedema and skin oxygenation,Rashid, P.; et al.; Rashid, Prem 
May-2015Entrustable professional activities: time to be trusted?Rashid, P.; Rashid, Prem 
May-2010Erectile dysfunction - when tablets don't workSmith, I. A. R.; McLeod, N.; Rashid, P.; Rashid, Prem 
Jun-2017Five year results of the prospective randomized controlled prostatic urethral L.I.F.T. studyRoehrborn, C. G.; Barkin, J.; Gange, S. N.; Shore, N. D.; Giddens, J. L.; Bolton, D. M.; Cowan, B. E.; Cantwell, A. L.; McVary, K. T.; Te, A. E.; Gholami, S. S.; Moseley, W. G.; Chin, P. T.; Dowling, W. T.; Freedman, S. J.; Incze, P. F.; Coffield, K. S.; Herron, S.; Rashid, P.; Rukstalis, D. B.; Rashid, Prem 
Jul-2017From humble beginnings … the evolution of the FRACS (Urology)Pirpiris, A.; Chung, A. S. J.; Rashid, P.; Pirpiris, Athina; Rashid, Prem 
Oct-2016Impact of branding on public awareness of healthcare‐related governing bodies: a pilot study of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand brandGianduzzo, T.R.J.; Gardiner, R.A.; Rashid, Prem; Young, R.; Frydenberg, M.; Kelly, S.; Rashid, Prem 
Jul-2017Improving clinical teaching for busy clinicians: integration of the one-minute preceptor into mini-clinical examinationRashid, P.; Churchill, J. A.; Gendy, R.; Rashid, Prem; Churchill, James; Gendy, Rasha