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PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Jul-2019Enzalutamide with Standard First-Line Therapy in Metastatic Prostate CancerDavis, I. D.; Martin, A. J.; Stockler, M. R.; Begbie, S.; Chi, K. N.; Chowdhury, S.; Coskinas, X.; Frydenbuerg, M.; Hague, W. E.; Horvath, L. G.; Joshua, A. M.; Lawrence, N. J.; Marx, G.; McCaffrey, J.; McDermott, R.; McJannett, M.; North, S. A.; Parnis, F.; Parulekar, W.; Pook, D. W.; Reaume, M. N.; Sandhu, S. K.; Tan, A.; Tan, T. H.; Thomson, A.; Tu, E.; Vera-Badillo, F.; Williams, S, G,; Yip, S.; Zhang, A. Y.; Zielinski, R. R.; Sweeney, C. J.; Begbie, Stephen 
Mar-2022Health-related quality of life in metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer: ENZAMET (ANZUP 1304), an international randomized phase III trial led by ANZUPStockler, M. R.; Martin, A. J.; Davis, I. D.; Dhillon, H. M.; Begbie, S. D.; Chi, K. N.; Chowdhury, S.; Coskinas, X.; Frydenberg, M.; Hague, W. E.; Horvath, L. G.; Joshua, A. M.; Lawrence, N. J.; Marx, G. M.; McCaffrey, J.; McDermott, R.; McJannett, M.; North, S. A.; Parnis, F.; Parulekar, W. R.; Pook, D. W.; Reaume, M. N.; Sandhu, S.; Tan, A.; Tan, T. H.; Thomson, A.; Vera-Badillo, F.; Williams, S. G.; Winter, D. G.; Yip, S.; Zhang, A. Y.; Zielinski, R. R.; Sweeney, C. J.; ENSAMET Trial Investigators and the Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group; Begbie, Stephen 
Sep-2021Overall survival of men with metachronous metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer treated with enzalutamide and androgen deprivation therapySweeney, C. J.; Martin, A. J.; Stockler, M. R.; Begbie, S.; Chi, K. N.; Chowdhury, S.; Coskinas, X; Frydenberg, M.; Hague, W. E.; Horvath, L. G.; Joshua, A. M.; Lawrence, N. J.; Marx, G. M.; McCaffrey, J.; McDermott, R.; McJannett, M.; North, S. A.; Parnis, F.; Parulekar, W.; Pook, D. W.; Reaume, M. N.; Sandhu, S. K.; Tan, A.; Tan, T. H.; Thomson, A.; Tu, E.; Vera-Badillo, F.; Williams, S. G.; Yip, S.; Zhang, A. Y.; Zielinski, R. R.; Davis, I. D.; ENZAMET Trial Investigators and the Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP); Begbie, Stephen 
Feb-2024A phase II trial of nivolumab followed by ipilimumab and nivolumab in advanced non-clear-cell renal cell carcinomaConduit, C.; Davis, I. D.; Goh, J. C.; Kichenadasse, G.; Gurney, H.; Harris, C. A.; Pook, D.; Krieger, L.; Parnis, F.; Underhill, C.; Adams, D.; Roncolato, F.; Joshua, A.; Ferguson, T.; Prithviraj, P.; Morris, M.; Harrison, M.; Begbie, S.; Hovey, E.; George, M.; Liow, E. C.; Link, E. K.; McJannett, M.; Gedye, C.; Australian and New Zealans Urogental and Prostrate Cancer Trils Group (ANZUP); UNISoN Investigators; Begbie, Stephen 
Apr-2023Testosterone suppression plus enzalutamide versus testosterone suppression plus standard antiandrogen therapy for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (ENZAMET): an international, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trialSweeney, C. J.; Martin, A. J.; Stockler, M. R.; Begbie, S.; Cheung, L.; Chi, K. N.; Chowdhury, S.; Frydenberg, M.; Horvath, L. G.; Joshua, A. M.; Lawrence, N. J.; Marx, G.; McCaffrey, J.; McDermott, R.; McJannett, M.; North, S. A.; Parnis, F.; Parulekar, W.; Pook, D. W.; Reaume, M. N.; Sandhu, S. K.; Tan, A.; Tan, T. H.; Thomson, A.; Vera-Badillo, F.; Williams, S. G.; Winter, D.; Yip, S.; Zhang, A. Y.; Zielinski, R. R.; Davis, I. D.; ENZAMET trial investigators and Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group; Begbie, Stephen