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Title: Outbreak-related Hendra virus infection in a NSW pet dog.
Authors: Halim, S.;Polkinghorne, B.;Bell, Greg;Sheppeard, V.;van den Berg, Debra
MNCLHD Author: Bell, Greg
van den Berg, Debra
Issue Date: Sep-2015
Citation: Public health research & practice. 2015 Sep;25(4):e2541547. DOI:10.17061/phrp2541547
Abstract: Hendra virus (HeV) infection is a zoonosis of importance in Australia. An outbreak of HeV occurred on the mid-north coast region of New South Wales (NSW) in June and July 2013. Four unvaccinated horses on four separate properties were confirmed to have HeV infection. A pet dog that had close contact with one of the horses was also confirmed to be infected with HeV. This paper documents the response to the canine infection and the resulting change to the public health management of HeV infection.
PubMed URL:
DOI: 10.17061/phrp2541547
Keywords: Dog diseases;Horse diseases;Pets;Veterinary;Zoonoses
Appears in Collections:Public Health / Health Promotion

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