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Title: It’s more complicated than that: Complexity and anaesthesia
Authors: Gillespie, D.;Peadon, R.;Neal, J.
MNCLHD Author: Gillespie, D.
Peadon, R.
Neal, J.
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Australasian Anaesthesia. 2017, 325-331.
Abstract: As a group of clinicians, we became slightly obsessed, that despite increasing innovation, technology and educational opportunities, outcomes in health are driven by the interactions of the agents within. From the early 1960s, studies have continued to demonstrate the contribution of medical error to human morbidity and mortality.
ISBN: 978-0-9945075-5-6
Keywords: anaesthesia;Educational Status;Vital Statistics;Inventions;Anaesthetist;Medical Errors;Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
Appears in Collections:Surgery

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