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Title: 'Real-world' Australian experience of pomalidomide for relapsed and refractory myeloma
Authors: Scott, A.;Weber, N.;Tiley, C.;Taylor, K.;Taper, J.;Harrison, S.;Chan, K. L.;Stark, R.;Lee, C.;Morris, K.;Ho, P. J.;Dodds, A.;Ramanathan, S.;Ramakrishna, R.;Watson, A. M.;Auguston, B.;Kwok, F.;Quach, H.;Warburton, P.;Rowlings, P.;Mollee, P.
MNCLHD Author: Stark, Richard
Issue Date: Jun-2018
Citation: Leukemia & Lymphoma. 2018 Jun;59(6):1514-1516. doi: 10.1080/10428194.2017.1387911.
Abstract: No abstract available.
Keywords: Pomalidomide;Multiple Myeloma
Appears in Collections:Haematology

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