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dc.contributor.authorSchirmer, T.-
dc.contributor.authorBailey, A.-
dc.contributor.authorKerr, N.-
dc.contributor.authorWalton, A.-
dc.contributor.authorFerrington, L.-
dc.contributor.authorCecilio, M. E.-
dc.identifier.citationBMC Public Health. 2023 Jan 19;23(1):137. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-14927-7.en
dc.description.abstractBackground: Despite the benefits of physical activity, there is minimal research focusing on factors that influence real-world school-based physical activity programs. Kilometre (KM) Club is an Australian grassroots program which aims to increase physical activity in students through the completion of an outside walk or run at school. This small-scale pilot evaluation aimed to examine families, teachers and principals' perceptions of the benefits, enablers and barriers of KM Club. It also aimed to examine the effects of KM Club on student's physical activity levels during the school day. Methods: Four regional New South Wales (NSW) primary schools participated in this study. 26 families, four teachers, and two principals from School A, C, B and D completed semi-structured interviews to understand their perceptions of KM Club. 21 students completed emotional state-scales to understand their emotions when participating in KM Club. 141 students from Schools B, C and D participated in step-count measures using accelerometers. Results: Families, teachers and principals reported a range of benefits such as improved social connectedness, wellbeing, home and classroom behaviours, participation in sport and fitness levels. Enablers consisted of champion engagement, incentives, versatile facilities and integration with other school activities. Identified barriers included the weather and environment, program timing and health issues. Most students reported that participating in KM Club made them feel proud, confident and fantastic. School B reported a significant increase in students' daily step counts on KM Club days compared to non-KM Club days (+ 15%; p = 0.001), while School C reported no significant changes (-5%; p = 0.26). School D reported a significant increase in the number of daily steps taken by KM Club participants compared with non-KM club participants (+ 10%; p = 0.024). Conclusion: There is no one-size-fits-all approach to implementing school-based physical activity initiatives. However, it appears that flexible and adaptable factors are important to the successful implementation of school-based programs, such as KM Club. This study revealed a variety of self-reported health, wellbeing and educational benefits for students, as well as an increase in student's physical activity levels at 2 of the 3 schools participating in the quantitative data collection. This pilot evaluation may help to inform future design, implementation and scale-up of KM Club and school-based health promotion programs, potentially improving child health, wellbeing and educational outcomes.en
dc.subjectProgram Evaluationen
dc.subjectHealth Promotionen
dc.titleStart small and let it build; a mixed-method evaluation of a school-based physical activity program, Kilometre Cluben
dc.contributor.mnclhdauthorSchirmer, Teisha-
dc.contributor.mnclhdauthorBailey, Andrew-
dc.contributor.mnclhdauthorKerr, Nicola-
Appears in Collections:Public Health / Health Promotion

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