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Title: Quality improvement in surgery: introduction of the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program into New South Wales
Authors: Richardson, A. J.;Cox, M. R.;Shakeshaft, A. J.;Hodge, B.;Morgan, G.;Pang, T.;Zeng, M.;Scanlon, K.;Austin, R.;Dawadi, A.;Burgess, C.;Rawstron, E.;Dalton, S.;Leveque, J. F.
MNCLHD Author: Hodge, Bruce
Dawadi, Ashma
Austin, Robyn
Issue Date: May-2019
Citation: ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2019 May;89(5):471-475. doi: 10.1111/ans.15117.
Abstract: Background: Quality improvement in surgery requires accurate, reliable, risk-adjusted and comparative data. The American College of Surgeons (ACS) National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) takes reliable clinical data and provides risk-adjusted comparisons with more than 800 hospitals. This paper describes the early outcomes of introducing this programme into New South Wales (NSW). Methods: Four NSW hospitals formed a collaborative. Surgical clinical reviewers were trained and data collected. Risk-adjusted reports were returned to individual hospitals and the NSW Collaborative. Results: The results identified that the NSW Collaborative were outliers for the following causes of morbidity: urinary tract infections, surgical site infections, pneumonia and 30-day readmissions. Conclusion: We have shown that ACS-NSQIP can be adapted to Australia and there is a plan to widen the programme in NSW.
Keywords: Surgical Wound Infections;New South Wales;Quality Improvement;Patient Readmission;Pneumonia;Urinary Tract Infections;Surgeons
Appears in Collections:Surgery

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