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dc.contributor.authorPanwar, R.-
dc.contributor.authorPoulter, A. L.-
dc.contributor.authorNourse, M.-
dc.contributor.authorRai, S.-
dc.contributor.authorVan Haren, F. M. P.-
dc.contributor.authorEllem, K.-
dc.contributor.authorTummala, S.-
dc.contributor.authorHore, C.-
dc.contributor.authorSunkara, K.-
dc.identifier.citationClinical Nutrition. 2024 Sep;43(9):2149-2155. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2024.07.038.en
dc.description.abstractBackground and aims: Previous randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing intermittent feeding versus continuous feeding used different methods, employed shorter fasting intervals, ignored patients' posture in bed during feeds, and showed mixed results. Prolonged fasting intervals are hypothesized to have several benefits. Additionally, there is evidence for more efficient gastric emptying in the right lateral position. In this multicenter RCT, we aimed to compare the effects of three-times-a-day gastric feeding while in the right lateral tilt position (intermittent postural feeding) versus standard continuous gastric feeding (standard feeding) on gastrointestinal intolerance and mortality among mechanically ventilated patients in ICU. Methods: Adult ICU patients with gastric feeding tube in-situ and requiring invasive mechanical ventilation were randomized to either intermittent postural feeding group or to the standard feeding group. The feeding formula, target daily feed volume and posture turns were determined as per standard practice for all patients. Primary outcome was an incidence rate per 100 patient-days of gastrointestinal intolerance, a composite outcome of vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. Secondary outcomes were all-cause hospital mortality, gastrointestinal intolerance-free days, ventilator-free days, episodes of vomiting or diarrhea per patient, and mean diet volume ratio (diet received/diet prescribed). Results: At five multidisciplinary ICUs, 120 mechanically ventilated, adult ICU patients (median age 65 years, 60% males) were randomly allocated to intermittent postural feeding (n = 61) and standard feeding (n = 59). The primary outcome did not differ between intermittent feeding arm versus standard arm (8.5, 95% confidence interval (CI): 5.9-11.8, versus 6.2, 95% CI: 4.1-9.1 per 100 patient-days; p = 0.23). Gastrointestinal intolerance-free days until day 14 were similar (6 [2-8] versus 5 [2-10]; p = 0.68) in both groups. Number of episodes per patient of vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation also did not differ in between groups. All-cause hospital mortality between intermittent feeding arm versus standard arm was 20% versus 31% (p = 0.17). There were no significant between-group differences in any of the other secondary outcomes. Conclusions: Intermittent gastric feeds delivered three-times-a-day while in the right lateral tilt position among mechanically ventilated patients was as well tolerated as the continuous enteral feeding. A definitive RCT to assess other clinically important outcomes is justified.en
dc.subjectEnteral Nutritionen
dc.subjectRespiration, Artificialen
dc.subjectIntensive Care Unitsen
dc.subjectCritical Careen
dc.subjectGastric Emptyingen
dc.titleA multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing three-times-a-day intermittent enteral postural feeding to continuous enteral feeding among mechanically ventilated patients in intensive careen
dc.contributor.mnclhdauthorHore, Craig-
Appears in Collections:Allied Health
Critical Care

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