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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 18 of 18
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Oct-2020Patterns of emergency department use in rural and metropolitan New South Wales from 2012 to 2018Lower, T.; Kinsman, L.; Dinh, M. M.; Lyle, D.; Cheney, R.; Allan, J.; Munro, A.; Taylor, B.; Wiggers, J. H.; Bailey, A.; Weller, L.; Jacob, A.; Stephens, A. S.; Lower, Tony; Kinsman, Leigh; Bailey, Andrew 
Jan-2016Serendipitous use of terlipressinSanghi, K.; Sanghi, K. 
Jun-2024Training critical care teams for disaster response: Mass casualty incident simulationOwens, N.; Owens, N. 
Nov-2021Speculum examinations: Clinicians' attitudes and approaches to obtaining consent in a sexual assault contextRoussos, M.; Victoire, A.; Kramer, K.; Kramer, Kathleen 
Jan-2021Delayed flow is a risk to patient safety: A mixed method analysis of emergency department patient flowPryce, A.; Unwin, M.; Kinsman, L.; McCann, D.; Kinsman, Leigh 
Sep-2024Haematoma block is the most efficient technique for closed forearm fracture reduction: a retrospective cohort studyPitman, G. R.; Soeyland, T.; Popovic, G.; Thomson, D.; Soeyland, Torgrim; Thomson, David 
Aug-2023Droperidol versus ondansetron for nausea treatment within the emergency departmentPhilpott, L.; Clemensen, E.; Lau, G. T.; Lau, Gabriel T. 
Sep-2024A multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing three-times-a-day intermittent enteral postural feeding to continuous enteral feeding among mechanically ventilated patients in intensive carePanwar, R.; Poulter, A. L.; Nourse, M.; Rai, S.; Van Haren, F. M. P.; Ellem, K.; Tummala, S.; Hore, C.; Sunkara, K.; Hore, Craig 
Aug-2009"They just don't like to wait"--a comparative study of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people who did not wait for treatment, or discharged themselves against medical advice from rural emergency departments: part 2Wright, L.; Wright, Leanne 
Jul-2019"They just don't like to wait" -- a comparative study of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people who did not wait for treatment or discharged against medical advice from rural emergency departments: part 1Wright, L.; Wright, Leanne 
Feb-2024Assessment and management of older patients with abdominal pain in the emergency departmentBrooks, D.; Smiles, J. P.; Murphy, A. P.; Cowan, T.; Soeyland, T.; Hullick, C.; Arendts, G.; Soeyland, Torgrim 
Nov-2020Variation in CT use for paediatric head injuries across different types of emergency departments in Australia and New ZealandWilson, C. L.; Tavender, E. J.; Phillips, N. T.; Hearps, S. J.; Foster, K.; O'Brien, S. L.; Borland, M. L.; Watkins, G. O.; McLeod, L.; Putland, M.; Priestley, S.; Brabyn, C.; Ballard, D. W.; Craig, S.; Dalziel, S. R.; Oakley, E.; Babl, F. E.; McLeod, Lorna 
Oct-2023A point-prevalence study of off-label medication use in an Australian adult tertiary intensive care unitWiebe, J.; Lipman, J.; Reade, M. C.; Wiebe, Jordan 
Apr-2020Socioeconomic disadvantage as a driver of non-urgent emergency department presentations: A retrospective data analysisUnwin, M.; Crisp, E.; Stankovich, J.; McCann, D.; Kinsman, L.; Kinsman, Leigh 
Dec-2016The VHOT (Vindaloo Hastens Outpouring of Troponins) StudyTankel, A. S.; Nagree, Y.; Jones, P.; Mountain, D.; Macdonald, S. P.; Hill, P.; Than, M.; Tankel, Alan S. 
Dec-2011Increasing impact of mental health presentations on New South Wales public hospital emergency departments 1999-2006Tankel, A.S.; Di Palma, M.J.; Kramer, K.M; Van der Zwan, R.; Tankel, Alan S. 
Jul-2024Analysis of violent incidents at five regional and remote emergency departments: A retrospective descriptive studyThomas, B.; Jacob, A.; McCann, D.; Buykx, P.; Schultz, R.; Kinsman, L.; O'Meara, P.; Edvardsoon, K.; Spelten, E.; Kinsman, Leigh 
Sep-2024A multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing three-times-a-day intermittent enteral postural feeding to continuous enteral feeding among mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care.Panwar, R.; Poulter, A. L.; Nourse, M.; Rai, S.; van Haren, F. M. P.; Ellem, K.; Tummala, S.; Hore, C.; Sunkara, K.; Hore, Craig 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 18 of 18