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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Oct-2016Results of a national survey of Australian nurses' practice caring for older people in an emergency departmentDeasey, D.; Kable, A.; Jeong, S.; Deasey, Debra 
Dec-2014Influence of nurses' knowledge of ageing and attitudes towards older people on therapeutic interactions in emergency care: A literature reviewDeasey, D.; Kable, A.; Jeong, S.; Deasey, Debra 
Sep-2014Some previous studies have reported nurses' knowledge and attitudes towards older persons, however no national Australian study of ED nurses has been conducted. This study identified emergency department (ED) nurses' knowledge and understanding of the ageing process and attitudes towards the older person in Australia. Methods: The Older Persons in Acute Care (OPAC) Survey was distributed to members of the College ofDeasey, D.; Kable, A.; Jeong, S.; Deasey, Debra 
Aug-2016Emergency nurses attitudes towards older people in the emergency department: a cross-sectional studyDeasey, D.; Kable, A.; Jeong, S.; Deasey, Debra 
Oct-2024A cross-sectional study assessing concordance with advance care directives in a rural health districtCurley, D.; Kinsman, L.; Mooney, G.; Whiteford, G.; Lower, T.; Hobbs, M.; Morris, B.; Bartlett, K; Jacob, A.; Curley, Dan; Mooney, Graeme; Morris, Beverly; Bartlett, Beverley 
May-2006Implementing a wound assessment and management system (WAMS)Saunders, K.; Rowley, J.; Saunders, Karen; Rowley, Joanne 
Jun-2016Healing through creating: art therapyRowley, J.; Comisari, R.; Rowley, Joanne 
Oct-2013Multicenter randomized trial of centralized nurse-led telephone-based care coordination to improve outcomes after surgical resection for colorectal cancer: the CONNECT interventionYoung, J. M.; Butow, P. N.; Walsh, J.; Durcinoska, I.; Dobbins, T. A.; Rodwell, L.; Harrison, J. D.; White, K.; Gilmore, A.; Hodge, B.; Hicks, H.; Smith, S.; O'Connor, G.; Byrne, C. M.; Meagher, A. P.; Jancewicz, S.; Sutherland, A.; Ctercteko, G.; Pathma-Nathan, N.; Curtin, A.; Townend, D.; Abraham, N. S.; Longfield, G.; Rangiah, D.; Young, C. J.; Eyers, A.; Lee, P.; Fisher, D.; Solomon, M. J.; Hodge, Bruce; Longfield, Greg; Sutherland, Andrew; Abraham, Ned S. 
Aug-2009"They just don't like to wait"--a comparative study of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people who did not wait for treatment, or discharged themselves against medical advice from rural emergency departments: part 2Wright, L.; Wright, Leanne 
Jul-2019"They just don't like to wait" -- a comparative study of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people who did not wait for treatment or discharged against medical advice from rural emergency departments: part 1Wright, L.; Wright, Leanne 
Nov-2024Increasing the uptake of advance care directives through staff education and one-on-one support for people facing end-of-lifeKinsman, L. D.; Mooney, G.; Whiteford, G.; Lower, T.; Hobbs, M.; Morris, B.; Bartlett, K.; Jacob, A.; Curley, D,; Mooney, Graeme; Morris, Bev; Bartlett, Kerry; Curley, Dan 
Oct-2024Patient satisfaction with nurse-led coordination of colorectal cancer treatment: a short surveyPetrushnko, W.; Perry, J.; Bunjo, Z.; Vather, R.; Lewis, M.; Sammour, T.; Petrushnko, Wilson 
Nov-2021Non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s diseaseCarroll, V.; Rossiter, R.; Blanchard, D.; Carroll, Vincent 
Feb-2007The adult patient assessment tool and care planCarroll, V.; Carroll, Vincent 
Jun-2004Clinical indicators as measures of mental health nursing standards of practice in New Zealand.O'Brien, A.P.; Boddy, J.M.; Hardy, D.J.; O'Brien, A.J.; O'Brien, A.P. 
Jul-2020The effectiveness of complementary and alternative medicine in the symptom management of pruritus in patients with end-stage kidney disease: a systematic reviewCampbell, P.; Moss, J.; Mulder, M.; Wilson, N.; Jacob, A.; Miles, H.; Campbell, Patricia; Mossa, Jessica; Mulder, Maria; Wilson, Nicole; Miles, Helen 
Apr-2019Hospital nurse-staffing models and patient- and staff-related outcomesButler, M.; Schultz, T. J.; Halligan, P.; Sheridan, A.; Kinsman, L.; Rotter, T.; Beaumier, J.; Kelly, R. G.; Drennan, J.; Kinsman, Leigh 
Aug-2017Literature review of trauma-informed care: Implications for mental health nurses working in acute inpatient settings in AustraliaWilson, A.; Hutchinson, M.; Hurley, J.; Wilson, Allyson 
Oct-2021'Can mental health nurses working in acute mental health units really be trauma-informed? An integrative review of the literatureWilson, A.; Hurley, J.; Hutchinson, M.; Lakeman, R.; Wilson, Allyson 
Dec-2021Using an economic evaluation approach to support specialist nursing services for people with Parkinson's in a regional communityBramble, M.; Wong, A.; Carroll, V.; Schwebel, D.; Rossiter, R.; Carroll, Vincent; Schwebel, Debbie 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26