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Title: Subglottic haemangioma: Controversies in management
Authors: Walker, P. J.;Cooper, D.;Macdonald, David.
MNCLHD Author: Macdonald, D.
Issue Date: Aug-1999
Citation: Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 1999 Aug;35(4):392-5.
Abstract: Objective: To discuss treatment modalities for subglottic haemangioma (SGH). Methodology: Case report of two children definitively managed by different modalities. Results: Management by CO2 laser vaporization in one child, and laser followed by interferon 2-alpha in the second child were both successful in controlling the SGH without the need for tracheostomy. Conclusion: The stepped-care approach at John Hunter Children's Hospital, Newcastle, New South Wales, is presented. Both laser surgery and interferon can help control SGH. Careful surveillance and interdisciplinary cooperation are essential to achieve a good outcome.
Keywords: Child;Hemangioma;Laser Therapy;Interferons
Appears in Collections:Paediatrics

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