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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Jun-2006Development of a spreadsheet for the calculation of new tools to improve the reporting of the results of medical researchShakespeare, T. P.; Gebski, V. J.; Thiagarajan, A.; Lu, J. J.; Shakespeare, Thomas P. 
Jan-2008Influence of the way results are presented on research interpretation and medical decision making: the PRIMER collaboration randomized studiesShakespeare, T. P.; Gebski, V.; Tang, J.; Lim, K.; Lu, J. J.; Zhang, X.; Jiang, G.; Shakespeare, Thomas P. 
May-2020Hierarchy and medical error: speaking up when witnessing an errorPeadon, R.; Hurley, J.; Hutchinson, M.; Peadon, Rodney 
May-2017Consistent with: what doctors say and jurors hearRoss, R.; Kramer, K.; Martire, K. A.; Kramer, Kathleen 
Nov-2018Trainees at risk: the need for support and compassionRashid, P.; Habashy, D.; Calopedos, R.; Rashid, Prem; Habashy, David; Calopedos, Ross 
May-2015Trainee underperformance: a guide to achieving resolutionRashid, P.; Grills, R.; Kuan, M.; Klein, D.; Rashid, Prem 
Nov-2015Diagnosing Potentially Preventable Hospitalisations (DaPPHne): protocol for a mixed-methods data-linkage studyPassey, M. E.; Longman, J. M.; Johnston, J. J.; Jorm, L.; Ewald, D.; Morgan, G. G.; Rolfe, M.; Chalker, B.; Chalker, Bronwn 
Nov-2024Effectiveness of strategies for implementing guideline-concordant care in low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trialsZhao, S.; Langford, A. V.; Chen, Q.; Lyu, M.; Yang, Z.; Williams, C. M.; Lin, C-W. C.; Williams, Christopher M. 
Nov-2015The health benefits of reducing air pollution in Sydney, AustraliaBroome, R. A.; Fann, N.; Christina, T. J. N; Fulcher, C.; Duc, H.; Morgan, G. G.; Morgan, Geoffrey G. 
Jul-2019Additional qualifications of trainees in specialist training programs in AustraliaThompson, D.; Thompson, C.; Nassar, N.; Katelaris, A.; Thompson, Colin G. 
Jul-2007Cancer services to be proud of in rural Australia: lessons learnt from the Clinical Oncological Society of Australia cancer service auditBegbie, S.; Underhill, C.; Begbie, Stephen 
Sep-2023Development and piloting of a Community of Practice to support learning and improvement in health promotion practice within NSW local health districtBarnes, C.; Sutherland, R.; Jones, G.; Kingon, N.; NCOIS Research Collaborative; Wolfenden, L.; Jones, Gavin 
Dec-2019Study protocol of the Parents in Child Nutrtion Informing Community (PICNIC) peer education cohort study to imprive child feeding and dietary intake of children aged six months to three years oldBall, R.; Vaschak, R.; Bailey, A.; Whiteford, G.; Burrows, T. L.; Duncanson, K.; Collins, C. E.; Ball, Richard; Bailey, Andrew; Whiteford, Gail 
Aug-2017Experiences of parent peer nutrition educators sharing child feeding and nutrition informationBall, R.; Duncanson, K.; Burrows, T.; Collins, C.; Ball, Richard 
Dec-2021Engaging new parents in the development of a peer nutrition education model using participatory action researchBall, R.; Duncanson, K.; Ashton, L.; Bailey, A.; Whiteford, G.; Henstrom, M.; Gerathy, R.; Walton, A.; Whelow, J.; Collins, C. E.; Ball, Richard; Bailey, Andrew; Whiteford, Gail; Gerathy, Rachel; Walton, Alison; Wehlow, Jennifer 
Aug-2017Joint modelling of potentially avoidable hospitalisation for five diseases accounting for spatiotemporal effects: A case study in New South Wales, AustraliaBaker, J.; White, N.; Mengersen, K.; Rolfe, M.; Morgan, G. G.; Morgan, Geoffrey G. 
Jun-2023A scoping review of economic evaluations to inform the reorientation of preventive health services in AustraliaTaylor, R.; Sullivan, D.; Reeves, P.; Kerr, N.; Sawyer, A.; Schwartzkoff, E.; Bailey, A.; Williams, C.; Hure, A.; Kerr, Nicola; Sawyer, Amy; Schwartzkoff, Emma; Bailey, Andrew; Williams, Christopher 
Jul-2021Implementation of the StandingTall programme to prevent falls in older people: a process evaluation protocolTaylor, M.E.; Todd, C.; O'Rourke, S.; Clemson, L. M.; Close, J. C.; Lord, S. R.; Lung, T.; Berlowitz, D. J.; Blennerhassett, J.; Chow, J.; Dayhew, J.; Hawley-Hague, H.; Hodge, W.; Howard, K.; Johnson, P.; Lasrado, R.; McInerney, G.; Merlene, M.; Miles, L.; Said, C. M.; White, L.; Wilson, N.; Zask, A.; Delbaere, K.; Johnson, Pamela 
Jul-2024Analysis of violent incidents at five regional and remote emergency departments: A retrospective descriptive studyThomas, B.; Jacob, A.; McCann, D.; Buykx, P.; Schultz, R.; Kinsman, L.; O'Meara, P.; Edvardsoon, K.; Spelten, E.; Kinsman, Leigh 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19