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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 26 of 26
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Aug-2017Experiences of parent peer nutrition educators sharing child feeding and nutrition informationBall, R.; Duncanson, K.; Burrows, T.; Collins, C.; Ball, Richard 
Dec-2021Engaging new parents in the development of a peer nutrition education model using participatory action researchBall, R.; Duncanson, K.; Ashton, L.; Bailey, A.; Whiteford, G.; Henstrom, M.; Gerathy, R.; Walton, A.; Whelow, J.; Collins, C. E.; Ball, Richard; Bailey, Andrew; Whiteford, Gail; Gerathy, Rachel; Walton, Alison; Wehlow, Jennifer 
Aug-2017Joint modelling of potentially avoidable hospitalisation for five diseases accounting for spatiotemporal effects: A case study in New South Wales, AustraliaBaker, J.; White, N.; Mengersen, K.; Rolfe, M.; Morgan, G. G.; Morgan, Geoffrey G. 
Jun-2023A scoping review of economic evaluations to inform the reorientation of preventive health services in AustraliaTaylor, R.; Sullivan, D.; Reeves, P.; Kerr, N.; Sawyer, A.; Schwartzkoff, E.; Bailey, A.; Williams, C.; Hure, A.; Kerr, Nicola; Sawyer, Amy; Schwartzkoff, Emma; Bailey, Andrew; Williams, Christopher 
Jul-2021Implementation of the StandingTall programme to prevent falls in older people: a process evaluation protocolTaylor, M.E.; Todd, C.; O'Rourke, S.; Clemson, L. M.; Close, J. C.; Lord, S. R.; Lung, T.; Berlowitz, D. J.; Blennerhassett, J.; Chow, J.; Dayhew, J.; Hawley-Hague, H.; Hodge, W.; Howard, K.; Johnson, P.; Lasrado, R.; McInerney, G.; Merlene, M.; Miles, L.; Said, C. M.; White, L.; Wilson, N.; Zask, A.; Delbaere, K.; Johnson, Pamela 
Jul-2024Analysis of violent incidents at five regional and remote emergency departments: A retrospective descriptive studyThomas, B.; Jacob, A.; McCann, D.; Buykx, P.; Schultz, R.; Kinsman, L.; O'Meara, P.; Edvardsoon, K.; Spelten, E.; Kinsman, Leigh 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 26 of 26