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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 6 of 6
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Jan-2024Pathogenesis and management of immune dysfunction secondary to B cell haematological malignanciesCrassini, K.; Gibson, J.; Crassini, Kyle 
Feb-2024Poor outcomes for trial-ineligible patients receiving polatuzumab for relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in routine care: An Australian Lymphoma and Related Diseases Registry projectShaw, B.; Chung, E.; Wellard, C.; Yoo, E.; Bennett, R.; Birks, C.; Johnston, A.; Cheah, C. Y.; Hamad, N.; Simpson, J.; Barraclough, A.; Ku, M.; Viiala, N.; Ratnasingam, S.; Armytage, T.; Cochrane, T.; Chong, G.; Lee, D.; Manos, K.; Keane, C.; Wallwork, S.; Opat, S.; Hawkes, E. A.; Simpson, Jock 
Jun-2018'Real-world' Australian experience of pomalidomide for relapsed and refractory myelomaScott, A.; Weber, N.; Tiley, C.; Taylor, K.; Taper, J.; Harrison, S.; Chan, K. L.; Stark, R.; Lee, C.; Morris, K.; Ho, P. J.; Dodds, A.; Ramanathan, S.; Ramakrishna, R.; Watson, A. M.; Auguston, B.; Kwok, F.; Quach, H.; Warburton, P.; Rowlings, P.; Mollee, P.; Stark, Richard 
Sep-2023Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Australasian consensus practice statementAnderson, Mary A.; Bennett, R.; Badoux, X.; Best, G.; Chia, N.; Cochrane, T.; Cull, G.; Crassini, K.; et. al; Crassini, Kyle 
Jul-2017Integrative Genomics Identifies the Molecular Basis of Resistance to Azacitidine Therapy in Myelodysplastic SyndromesUnnikrishnan, A.; Papaemmanuil, E.; Beck, D.; Deshpande, N. P.; Verma, A.; Kumari, A.; Woll, P. S.; Richards, L. A.; Knezevic, K.; Chandrakanthan, V.; Thoms, J. A. I.; Tursky, M. L.; Huang, Y.; Ali, Z.; Olivier, J.; Galbraith, S.; Kulasekararaj, A. G.; Tobiasson, M.; Karimi, M.; Pellagatti, A.; Wilson, S. R.; Lindeman, R.; Young, B.; Ramakrishna, R.; Arthur, C.; Stark, R.; Crispin, P.; Curnow, J.; Warburton, P.; Roncolato, F.; Boultwood, J.; Lynch, K.; Jacobsen, S. E. W.; Mufti, G. J.; Hellstrom-Lindberg, E.; Wilkins, M. R.; MacKenzie, K. L.; Wong, J. W. H.; Campbell, P. J.; Pimanda, J. E.; Stark, Richard 
Nov-2013ClinTrial Refer-a mobile App to connect patients with local clinical trialsTrotman, J.; Badoux, X.; Huseincehajic, L.; Gambrill, M.; LeGall, A.; Daly, M.; Lacey, M.; Byrne, S.; Aung, J.; Nair, S.; Mahairas, P.; Rine, C.; McCardie, K.; Cheung, Y.; Forbes, M.; Meti, R.; Plenge, P.; Clark, S.; Bayley, A.; Ristuccia, R.; Daly, Michelle 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 6 of 6