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Title: Lessons from a respiratory illness outbreak in an aged-care facility
Authors: Turahui, J.;Wallace, C.;Corben, P.;Osborne, R.
MNCLHD Author: Corben, Paul
Issue Date: Sep-2008
Citation: NSW Public Health Bulletin. 2008 Sep-Oct;19(9-10):153-6. doi: 10.1071/nb07083.
Abstract: This report outlines practical lessons learnt from an influenza-like outbreak in an aged-care facility in NSW, which affected 26 residents, resulted in 14 hospital admissions and was associated with six deaths. No common causative agent was identified. Key recommendations include: encouraging aged-care facilities to establish mechanisms that improve the early identification of outbreaks and timely implementation of outbreak control strategies; identifying strategies to inform general practitioners of outbreaks if they have patients residing in aged-care facilities; and improving the vaccination coverage of the aged-care workforce.
Keywords: Influenza, Human;Vaccination Coverage;Disease Outbreaks;Aged
Appears in Collections:Geriatrics

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