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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Oct-2024Utility of conversational artificial intelligence with large language models for patient information on cardiac electrophysiology proceduresSritharan, H. P.; Chia, J.; Gardiner, K.; Hellestrand, K.; Whalley, D.; Kanagaratnam, L.; Bhindi, R.; Chia, K. K. M.; Chia, Justin 
Sep-2024Protocol variation in functional coronary angiography among patients with suspected angina with non-obstructive coronary arteries: a nationwide snapshot of current practice within Australia and New ZealandSpiro, J.; Ford, T. J.; Yong, A.; Zeitz, C.; Beltrame, J. F.; Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Coronary Vasomotor Dysfunction Working Group, (incl. Lambert, B.); Lambert, Ben 
May-2015Depth of anaesthesia monitoring during procedural sedation and analgesia: a systematic review protocolConway, A.; Sutherland, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Oct-2015Inadvertent Hypothermia After Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in a Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory: A Prospective Observational StudyConway, A.; Kennedy, W.; Sutherland, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
Apr-2018Forced air warming during sedation in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory: a randomised controlled trialConway, A.; Ersotelos, S.; Sutherland, J.; Duff, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
May-2018Cost-effectiveness of forced air warming during sedation in the cardiac catheterisation laboratoryConway, A.; Duff, J.; Sutherland, J.; Sutherland, Joanna 
May-2022Text Messages to Improve Medication Adherence and Secondary Prevention After Acute Coronary Syndrome: The TEXTMEDS Randomized Clinical TrialChow, C. K.; Klimis, H.; Thiagalingam, A.; Redfern, J.; Hillis, G. S.; Brieger, D.; Atherton, J.; Bhindi, R.; Chew, D. P.; Collins, N.; Fitzpatrick, M. A.; Juergens, C.; Kangaharan, N.; Maiorana, A.; McGrady, M.; Poulter, R.; Shetty, P.; Waites, J.; Craig, C. H.; Thompson, P.; Stepien, Sandriene; von Huben, A.; Rodgers, A.; TEXTMEDS Investigators, *; Waites, Jonathon 
Aug-2016Establishing a NSW Cardiac Rehabilitation Minimum Dataset (CRMDS)Zecchin, R.; Ferry, C.; McIvor, D.; Wilcox, K.; Kerr, J.; Bennett, S.; Bowen, S.; Carr, B.; Newton, P.; Gallagher, R.; Bowen, Sheryl 
Nov-2019Development of Quality Indicators for Cardiac Rehabilitation in Australia: A Modified Delphi Method and Pilot TestZecchin, R.; Candelaria, D.; Ferry, C.; Ladak, L. A.; McIvor, D.; Wilcox, K.; Bennett, A.; Bowen, S.; Carr, B.; Randall, S.; Gallagher, R.; Bowen, Sheryl 
Nov-2018Caring for adults with congenital heart disease in a regional setting.O'Brien, E.M.; Law, David; Waites, Jon; Celermajer, D.; Grant, P.W.; O'Brien, E.M.; Law, David; Waites, Jon 
Nov-2024The safety of same-day discharge following percutaneous coronary intervention in regional AustraliaChia, J.; Wilson, A.; Law, D.; Kelly, M.; Lambert, B.; Chia, Justin; Wilson, Angus; Law, David; Kelly, Maura; Lambert, Benjamin 
2021Management and outcomes of STEMI in a regional non-24/7 cardiac catheterisation labChan, B.; Gray, R.; French, A.; Alexopoulos, C.; Prados, K.; Chan, B.; Gray, R.; French, A.; Alexopoulos, Chris; Prados, K. 
Jul-2016More Than a Mere Case of Pericarditis?Ng, Ben; Jepson, N.; Alford, Kevin; Ng, Ben; Alford, Kevin 
Mar-2022Pacing in Regional Australia: An Audit of Two Recently-Developed Device Implantation Programs Across Two Regional Centres in New South WalesBrooks, C.; Gadre, P.; May, A.; McGee, M.; Brooks, C; May, A. 
Aug-2024Finding a trap with the help of a map: Parametric mapping to aid the diagnosis of Takotsubo CardiomyopathyBland, A.; Mamo, A.; Eather, S.; Stewart, T.; Indraratna, P.; Stewart, T. 
Jan-2009Cardiac arrest in a young man following excess consumption of caffeinated "energy drinks"Berger, A. J.; Alford, K.; Berger, Adam J.; Alford, Kevin 
Aug-2024Lifelong severe left ventricular dysfunction after lightning strike to the chest: A case reportBakry, M.; May, A.; Bakry, M.; May, A. 
Apr-2011The initial 18 months of the first multi-disciplinary regional Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Clinic in AustraliaBagga, H.; Chia, K. S. W.; Freeman, D.; Hales, L.; Henderson, D. S.; Kotlyar, E.; Law, D.; Mudholkar, P.; Tulk, C.; Waites, J. H.; Wong, P. K. K.; Bagga, Hanish; Chia, Karen S.; Tulk, Cheryl; Wong, Peter K. K. 
Dec-2016The VHOT (Vindaloo Hastens Outpouring of Troponins) StudyTankel, A. S.; Nagree, Y.; Jones, P.; Mountain, D.; Macdonald, S. P.; Hill, P.; Than, M.; Tankel, Alan S. 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19