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dc.contributor.authorNolan-Isles, D.-
dc.contributor.authorMacniven, R.-
dc.contributor.authorHunter, K.-
dc.contributor.authorGwynn, J.-
dc.contributor.authorLincoln, M.-
dc.contributor.authorMoir, R.-
dc.contributor.authorDimitropoulos, Y.-
dc.contributor.authorTaylor, D.-
dc.contributor.authorAgius, T.-
dc.contributor.authorFinlayson, H.-
dc.contributor.authorMartin, R.-
dc.contributor.authorWard, K.-
dc.contributor.authorTobin, S.-
dc.contributor.authorGwynne, K.-
dc.contributor.authorCunningham, J.-
dc.identifier.citationInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Mar;18(6):1-13. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18063014en
dc.description.abstractBackground: Australia’s healthcare system is complex and fragmented which can create challenges in healthcare, particularly in rural and remote areas. Aboriginal people experience inequalities in healthcare treatment and outcomes. This study aimed to investigate barriers and enablers to accessing healthcare services for Aboriginal people living in regional and remote Australia. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with healthcare delivery staff and stakeholders recruited through snowball sampling. Three communities were selected for their high proportion of Aboriginal people and diverse regional and remote locations. Thematic analysis identified barriers and enablers. Results: Thirty-one interviews were conducted in the three communities ( n = 5 coastal, n = 13 remote, and n = 13 border) and six themes identified: (1) Improved coordination of healthcare services; (2) Better communication between services and patients; (3) Trust in services and cultural safety; (4) Importance of prioritizing health services by Aboriginal people; (5) Importance of reliable, affordable and sustainable services; (6) Distance and transport availability. These themes were often present as both barriers and enablers to healthcare access for Aboriginal people. They were also present across the healthcare system and within all three communities. Conclusions: This study describes a pathway to better healthcare outcomes for Aboriginal Australians by providing insights into ways to improve access.en
dc.subjectAustralian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoplesen
dc.subjectPalliative Careen
dc.subjectHealth Services Accessibilityen
dc.subjectTreatment Outcomeen
dc.titleEnablers and Barriers to Accessing Healthcare Services for Aboriginal People in New South Wales, Australiaen
dc.contributor.mnclhdauthorAgius, T.-
dc.contributor.mnclhdauthorMartin, R.-
Appears in Collections:Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

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