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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 148
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Sep-2021Overall survival of men with metachronous metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer treated with enzalutamide and androgen deprivation therapySweeney, C. J.; Martin, A. J.; Stockler, M. R.; Begbie, S.; Chi, K. N.; Chowdhury, S.; Coskinas, X; Frydenberg, M.; Hague, W. E.; Horvath, L. G.; Joshua, A. M.; Lawrence, N. J.; Marx, G. M.; McCaffrey, J.; McDermott, R.; McJannett, M.; North, S. A.; Parnis, F.; Parulekar, W.; Pook, D. W.; Reaume, M. N.; Sandhu, S. K.; Tan, A.; Tan, T. H.; Thomson, A.; Tu, E.; Vera-Badillo, F.; Williams, S. G.; Yip, S.; Zhang, A. Y.; Zielinski, R. R.; Davis, I. D.; ENZAMET Trial Investigators and the Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP); Begbie, Stephen 
Apr-2023Testosterone suppression plus enzalutamide versus testosterone suppression plus standard antiandrogen therapy for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (ENZAMET): an international, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trialSweeney, C. J.; Martin, A. J.; Stockler, M. R.; Begbie, S.; Cheung, L.; Chi, K. N.; Chowdhury, S.; Frydenberg, M.; Horvath, L. G.; Joshua, A. M.; Lawrence, N. J.; Marx, G.; McCaffrey, J.; McDermott, R.; McJannett, M.; North, S. A.; Parnis, F.; Parulekar, W.; Pook, D. W.; Reaume, M. N.; Sandhu, S. K.; Tan, A.; Tan, T. H.; Thomson, A.; Vera-Badillo, F.; Williams, S. G.; Winter, D.; Yip, S.; Zhang, A. Y.; Zielinski, R. R.; Davis, I. D.; ENZAMET trial investigators and Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group; Begbie, Stephen 
Mar-2022Health-related quality of life in metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer: ENZAMET (ANZUP 1304), an international randomized phase III trial led by ANZUPStockler, M. R.; Martin, A. J.; Davis, I. D.; Dhillon, H. M.; Begbie, S. D.; Chi, K. N.; Chowdhury, S.; Coskinas, X.; Frydenberg, M.; Hague, W. E.; Horvath, L. G.; Joshua, A. M.; Lawrence, N. J.; Marx, G. M.; McCaffrey, J.; McDermott, R.; McJannett, M.; North, S. A.; Parnis, F.; Parulekar, W. R.; Pook, D. W.; Reaume, M. N.; Sandhu, S.; Tan, A.; Tan, T. H.; Thomson, A.; Vera-Badillo, F.; Williams, S. G.; Winter, D. G.; Yip, S.; Zhang, A. Y.; Zielinski, R. R.; Sweeney, C. J.; ENSAMET Trial Investigators and the Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group; Begbie, Stephen 
Aug-1995Hypofractionated irradiation for inoperable non-small cell lung cancerStevens, M. J.; Begbie, S. D.; Begbie, Stephen 
Jul-2013Decision regret in men undergoing dose-escalated radiation therapy for prostate cancerSteer, A. N.; Aherne, N. J.; Hoffman, M.; Last, A.; Hill, J.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Steer, Anna N.; Aherne, Noel; Hoffman, Matthew; Last, Andrew; Hill, Jacques; Shakespeare, Thomas P. 
Apr-2015Use of oral formulations of fentanyl for breakthrough cancer painHandsaker, Scott; Dempsey, L.; Fabby, C.; Handsaker, Scott 
Feb-2021Assessment of genetic referrals and outcomes for women with triple negative breast cancer in regional cancer centres in Australia.Hallenstein, L.; Sorensen, C.; Hodgson, L.; Wen, S.; Westhuyzen, Justin; Hansen, Carmen; Last, Andrew; Amalaseelan, J.V.; Salindera, S.; Ross, W.; Spigelman, A.D.; Shakespeare, Thomas; Aherne, Noel; Hallenstein, L.; Sorensen, C.; Wen, S.; Westhuyzen, Justin; Hansen, Carmen; Last, Andrew; Shakespeare, Thomas; Aherne, Noel 
Oct-2022Exploring cancer patients', caregivers', and clinicians' utilisation and experiences of telehealth services during COVID-19: A qualitative studySmith, S. J.; Smith, A. B.; Kennett, W.; Vinod, S. K.; Kennett, William 
Nov-2017Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography for Prostate Cancer: Distribution of Disease and Implications for Radiation Therapy Planning.Gupta, S.K.; Watson, T.; Denham, J.; Shakespeare, Thomas; Rutherford, N.; McLeod, N.; Picton, K.; Ainsworth, P.; Bonaventura, T.; Martin, J.M.; Shakespeare, Thomas 
Dec-2024Oral Cannabis Extract for Secondary Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting - Final Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase II/III TrialGrimison, P.; Mersiades, A.; Kirby, A.; Morton, R.L.; Walsh, A.; Lee, Y.; Simes, R.J.; Stockler, M.R.; Tognela, A.; Olver, I.; Haber, P.; Abdi, E.; Della-Fiorentina, S.; Aghmesheh, M.; Fox, P.; Briscoe, Karen; Sanmugarajah, J.; Marx, G.; Kichenadasse, G.; Wheeler, H.; Chan, M.; Shannon, J.; Gedye, C.; Begbie, Stephen; Briscoe, Karen; Begbie, Stephen 
Nov-2020Oral THC:CBD cannabis extract for refractory chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase II crossover trial.Grimison, P.; Mersiades, A.; Kirby, A.; Lintzeris, N.; Morton, R.; Haber, P.; Olver, I.; Walsh, A.; McGregor, I.; Cheung, Y.; Tognela, A.; Hahn, C.; Briscoe, Karen; Aghmesheh, M.; Fox, P.; Abdi, E.; Clarke, S.; Della-Fiorentina, S.; Shannon, J.; Gedye, C.; Begbie, Stephen; Simes, J.; Stockler, M.; Briscoe, Karen; Begbie, Stephen 
2018Application of an incident taxonomy for radiation therapy: Analysis of five years of data from three integrated cancer centres.Greenham, Stuart; Manley, S.; Turnbull, Kristy; Hoffmann, Matthew; Fonseca, A.; Westhuyzen, Justin; Last, Andrew; Aherne, Noel; Shakespeare, Thomas; Greenham, Stuart; Hoffmann, Matthew; Turnbull, Kristy; Westhuyzen, Justin; Last, Andrew; Aherne, Noel; Shakespeare, Thomas 
Sep-2014Evaluation of atlas-based auto-segmentation software in prostate cancer patients.Greenham, Stuart; Dean, Jenna; Fu, C.K.K.; Goman, J.; Mulligan, Jeremy; Tune, Deanna; Sampson, D.; Westhuyzen, Justin; McKay, M.; Greenham, Stuart; Dean, Jenna; Mulligan, Jeremy; Tune, Deanna; Westhuyzen, Justin 
Jun-2020Long‐term outcomes of patients with conserved breast cancer treated with adjuvant hypo fractionated prone breast intensity‐modulated radiation therapyGortman, A.M.; Amalaseelan, J.; Shakespeare, Thomas; Aherne, Noel; Westhuyzen, Justin; Chamberlain, L.; Last, Andrew; Shakespeare, Thomas; Aherne, Noel; Westhuyzen, Justin; Chamberlain, L.; Last, Andrew 
Jul-2021Metaplastic carcinoma of the breast: Clinicopathological features and treatment outcomes with long-term follow up.Gortman, A.; Aherne, Noel; Westhuyzen, Justin; Amalaseelan, J.V.; Dwyer, P.M.; Hoffmann, Matthew; Last, Andrew; Shakespeare, Thomas; Gortman, A.; Aherne, Noel; Westhuyzen, Justin; Hoffmann, Matthew; Last, Andrew; Shakespeare, Thomas 
Mar-2009Phase II study of gemcitabine and docetaxel in combination for the treatment of metastatic breast cancerGoel, S.; Abdi, E.; Lewis, C.R.; Links, M.; Begbie, Stephen; Clingan, P.; Ganju, V.; Beith, J.; Begbie, Stephen 
Jul-2016Tangential intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) to the intact breastDean, J.; Hansen, C. J.; Westhuyzen, J.; Waller, B.; Turnbull, K.; Wood, M.; Last, A.; Dean, Jenna; Hansen, Carmen J.; Westhuyzen, Justin; Waller, Brett; Turnbull, Kirsty; Wood, Maree; Last, Andrew 
Dec-2013Phase II Trial of Intravesical Gemcitabine and Biomarker Evaluation in Patients with Superficial Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladderde Souza, P.; Begbie, S.; Hovey, L.; Rashid, P.; Aslan, P.; Malouf, D.; Awad, N.; Clements, A.; Hadley, A.; Galettis, P.; O'Malley, L.; Melbourne, W.; Johnson, L.; Tran, K.; Lynch, W.; Begbie, Stephen; Rashid, Prem; Nader, Awad 
Jul-2019Enzalutamide with Standard First-Line Therapy in Metastatic Prostate CancerDavis, I. D.; Martin, A. J.; Stockler, M. R.; Begbie, S.; Chi, K. N.; Chowdhury, S.; Coskinas, X.; Frydenbuerg, M.; Hague, W. E.; Horvath, L. G.; Joshua, A. M.; Lawrence, N. J.; Marx, G.; McCaffrey, J.; McDermott, R.; McJannett, M.; North, S. A.; Parnis, F.; Parulekar, W.; Pook, D. W.; Reaume, M. N.; Sandhu, S. K.; Tan, A.; Tan, T. H.; Thomson, A.; Tu, E.; Vera-Badillo, F.; Williams, S, G,; Yip, S.; Zhang, A. Y.; Zielinski, R. R.; Sweeney, C. J.; Begbie, Stephen 
Nov-2015A phase III randomized trial of adding topical nitroglycerin to first-line chemotherapy for advanced nonsmall-cell lung cancer: the Australasian lung cancer trials group NITRO trialDavidson, A; Veillard, A-S; Tognela, A.; Chan, M. M. K.; Hughes, B. G. M.; Boyer, M.; Briscoe, K.; Begbie, S.; Abdi, E.; Crombie, C.; Long, J.; Boyce, A.; Lewis, C. R.; Varma, S.; Broad, A.; Muljadi, M.; Chinchen, S.; Espinoza, D.; Coskinas, X.; Pavlakis, N.; Millward, M.; Stockler, M. R.; Australasian Lung cancer Trials Group ALTG; Briscoe, Karen; Begbie, Stephen 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 148