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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 30 of 30
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Feb-2012Preservation of sexual function with the prostatic urethral lift: a novel treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasiaWoo, H. H.; Bolton, D. M.; Laborde, E.; Jack, G.; Chin, P. T.; Rashid, P.; Thavaseelan, J.; McVary, K. T.; Rashid, Prem 
Feb-2008Symptomatic urinary stone disease in pregnancyCheriachan, D.; Arianayagam, M.; Rashid, P.; Cheriachan, Deepak; Arianayagam, Mohan; Rashid, Prem 
May-2017Citation indices for social media articles in urologyCalopedos, R. J. S.; Garcia, C.; Rashid, P.; Murphy, D. G.; Lawrentschuk, N.; Woo, H. H.; Rashid, Prem 
Oct-2015Systemic Bacillus Calmette-Guerin sepsis manifesting as hypercalcaemia and thrombocytopenia as a complication of intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy.Nayar, Namrata; Briscoe, Karen; Nayar, Namrata; Briscoe, Karen 
2001Your penis : a user's guideWatters, G.; Carroll, S.; Rashid, P.; Watters, Greg; Carroll, Stephen; Rashid, Prem 
Nov-2012Overactive bladder syndrome - management and treatment optionsArnold, J. A.; McLeod, N.; Thani-Gasalam, Ruban; Rashid, P.; Rashid, Prem 
Aug-2015Bullying among urology trainees in Australia and New Zealand: lessons from a cross-sectional surveyArianayagam, R.; Rashid, P.; Arianayagam, Ranjan; Rashid, Prem 
Oct-2011Lower urinary tract symptoms - current management in older menArianayagam, M.; Arianayagam, R.; Rashid, P.; Arianayagam, Ranjan; Rashid, Prem 
Oct-2009Prostate-specific antigen velocity (PSAV): a practical role for PSA?Thanigasalam, R.; Mancuso, P.; Tsao, K.; Rashid, P.; Thanigasalam, Ruban; Rashid, Prem 
Aug-2017Can a peri-rectal hydrogel spaceOAR programme for prostate cancer intensity-modulated radiotherapy be successfully implemented in a regional setting?Te Velde, B. L.; Westhuyzen, J.; Awad, N.; Wood, M.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Te Velde, Bridget L.; Westhuyzen, Justin; Awad, Nader; Wood, Maree; Shakespeare, Thomas P. 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 30 of 30