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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Apr-2020Capabilities, Opportunities, Resources and Environments (CORE): Using the CORE approach for inclusive, occupation-centred practicePereira, R. B.; Whiteford, G.; Hyett, N.; Weekes, G.; Di Tommaso, A.; Naismith, J.; Whiteford, Gail 
Jan-2020Combatting occupational deprivation and advancing occupational justice in institutional settings: Using a practice-based enquiry approach for service transformationWhiteford, G.; Jones, K.; Weekes, G.; Ndlovu, N.; Long, C.; Perkes, D.; Brindle, S.; Whiteford, Gail 
Oct-2024A cross-sectional study assessing concordance with advance care directives in a rural health district.Curley, D.; Kinsman, L.; Mooney, G.; Whiteford, G.; Lower, T.; Hobbs, M.; Morris, B.; Bartlett, K.; Jacob, A.; Curley, Dan 
May-2019Differentiating occupational decision-making and occupational choiceParnell, T.; Whiteford, G.; Wilding, C.; Whiteford, Gail 
Dec-2021Engaging new parents in the development of a peer nutrition education model using participatory action researchBall, R.; Duncanson, K.; Ashton, L.; Bailey, A.; Whiteford, G.; Henstrom, M.; Gerathy, R.; Walton, A.; Whelow, J.; Collins, C. E.; Ball, Richard; Bailey, Andrew; Whiteford, Gail; Gerathy, Rachel; Walton, Alison; Wehlow, Jennifer 
Nov-2024Increasing the uptake of advance care directives through staff education and one-on-one support for people facing end-of-lifeKinsman, L. D.; Mooney, G.; Whiteford, G.; Lower, T.; Hobbs, M.; Morris, B.; Bartlett, K.; Jacob, A.; Curley, D,; Mooney, Graeme; Morris, Bev; Bartlett, Kerry; Curley, Dan 
Dec-2019Study protocol of the Parents in Child Nutrtion Informing Community (PICNIC) peer education cohort study to imprive child feeding and dietary intake of children aged six months to three years oldBall, R.; Vaschak, R.; Bailey, A.; Whiteford, G.; Burrows, T. L.; Duncanson, K.; Collins, C. E.; Ball, Richard; Bailey, Andrew; Whiteford, Gail