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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Jul-2022Declining prevalence of current HCV infection and increased treatment uptake among people who inject drugs: The ETHOS Engage studyValerio, H.; Alavi, M.; Conway, A.; Silk, D.; Treloar, C.; Martinello, M.; Milat, A.; Dunlop, A.; Murray, C.; Henderson, C.; Amin, J.; Read, P.; Marks, P.; Degenhardt, L.; Stevens, A.; Prain, B.; Hayllar, J.; Reid, D.; Montebello, M.; Wade, A.; Christmass, M.; Cock, V.; Dore, G. J.; Grebely, J.; Wade, Alexandra 
Jun-2024Factors associated with experiencing stigma, discrimination, and negative health care treatment among people who inject drugsBroady, T. R.; Valerio, H.; Alavi, M.; Wheer, A.; Silk, D.; Martinello, M.; Conway, A.; Milat, A.; Dunlop, A.; Murray, C.; Henderson, C.; Amin, J.; Read, P.; Montebello, M.; Wade, A.; Chistmass, M.; Cock, V.; Dore, G. J.; Treloar, C.; Greebely, J.; ETHOS Engage Study Group; Wade, Alexandra 
Nov-2024A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial Involving Financial Incentives to Facilitate Hepatitis C Treatment Uptake Among People Who Inject Drugs: ETHOS Engage StudyMarshall, A. D.; Conway, A.; Cunningham, E. B.; Valerio, H.; Silk, D.; Alavi, M.; Tillerkeratne, S.; Wade, A.; Lam, T.; Zohrab, K.; Dunlop, A.; Connelly, C.; Cock, V.; Burns, C.; Henderson, C.; Christmass, M.; Dore, G. J.; Grebely, J.; ETHOS Engage Study Group; Wade, Alexandra; Zohrab, Krista 
Jul-2022A Testing Campaign Intervention Consisting of Peer-Facilitated Engagement, Point-of-Care HCV RNA Testing, and Linkage to Nursing Support to Enhance Hepatitis C Treatment Uptake among People Who Inject Drugs: The ETHOS Engage StudyConway, A.; Valerio, H.; Alavi, M.; Silk, D.; Treloar, C.; Hajarizadeh, B.; Marshall, A. D.; Martinello, M.; Milat, A.; Dunlop, A.; Murray, C.; Prain, B.; Henderson, C.; Amin, J.; Read, P.; Marks, P.; Degenhardt, L.; Hayllar, J.; Reid, D.; Gorton, C.; Lam, T.; Christmass, M.; Wade, A.; Montebello, M.; Dore, G. J.; Grebely, J.; ETHOS Engage Study Group; Wade, Alexandra