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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Dec-2019Assessing the dependency of the uncertainties in the Elekta Agility MLC calibration procedure on the focal spot positionChojnowski, J. M.; Taylor, L. M.; Sykes, J. R.; Thwaites, D. I.; Chojnowski, Jacek M.; Taylor, Lee M. 
May-2020Assessment of error in the MV radiation isocenter position calculated with the Elekta XVI softwareChojnowski, J. M.; Warr, G. B.; Sykes, J. R.; Thwaites, D. I.; Chojnowski, Jacek M.; Warr, George 
Jul-2018Beam focal spot position determination for an Elekta linac with the Agility® head; practical guide with a ready-to-go procedureChojnowski, J. M.; Taylor, L. M.; Sykes, J. R.; Thwaites, D. I.; Chojnowski, Jacek M. 
Sep-2017Beam focal spot position: The forgotten linac QA parameter. An EPID-based phantomless method for routine Stereotactic linac QAChojnowski, J. M.; Barnes, M. P.; Sykes, J. R.; Thwaites, D. I.; Chojnowski, Jacek M. 
Jul-2021A novel method to determine linac mechanical isocenter position and size and examples of specific QA applicationsChojnowski, J. M.; Sykes, J. R.; Thwaites, D. I.; Chojnowski, Jacek M. 
Dec-2020Practical beam steering of X-ray beams on Elekta accelerators: The effect of focal spot alignment on beam (symmetry and position) and radiation isocentre (size and position)Chojnowski, J. M.; Sykes, J. R.; Thwaites, D. I.; Chojnowski, Jacek M. 
Jun-2021Towards zero radiation isocentre size: minimising radiation beam isocentricity on Elekta linear accelerators by means of optimising look-up tablesChojnowski, J. M.; Sykes, J. R.; Thwaites, D. I.; Chojnowski, Jacek M.