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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Aug-2020Adaptation of public health initiatives: expert views on current guidance and opportunities to advance their application and benefitYoong, S. L.; Bolsewicz, K.; Grady, A.; Wyse, R.; Sutherland, R.; Hodder, R. K.; Kingsland, M.; Nathan, N.; McCrabb, S.; Bauman, A.; Wiggers, J.; Moullin, J.; Albers, B.; Fernandez, M. E.; Hall, A.; Sims-Gould, J.; Taylor, N.; Rissel, C.; Milat, A.; Bailey, A.; Batchelor, S.; Attia, J.; Wolfenden, L.; Bailey, Andrew 
Sep-2023Development and piloting of a Community of Practice to support learning and improvement in health promotion practice within NSW local health districtBarnes, C.; Sutherland, R.; Jones, G.; Kingon, N.; NCOIS Research Collaborative; Wolfenden, L.; Jones, Gavin 
Jul-2021Enhancing the potential effects of text messages delivered via an m-health intervention to improve packing of healthy school lunchboxesBrown, A.; Sutherland, R.; Janssen, L.; Hudson, N.; Chooi, A.; Reynolds, R.; Walton, A.; Lecathelinais, C.; Reily, K.; Nathan, N.; Wolfenden, L.; Walton, Alison 
Oct-2019Optimisation: defining and exploring a concept to enhance the impact of public health initiativesWolfenden, L.; Bolsewicz, K.; Grady, A.; McCrabb, S.; Kingsland, M.; Wiggers, J.; Bauman, A.; Wyse, R.; Nathan, N.; Sutherland, R.; Hodder, R. K.; Fernandez, M.; Lewis, C.; Taylor, N.; McKay, H.; Grimshaw, J.; Hall, A.; Moullin, J.; Albers, B.; Batchelor, S.; Attia, J.; Milat, A.; Bailey, A.; Rissel, C.; Reeves, P.; Sims-Gould, J.; Mildon, R.; Doran, C.; Yoong, S. L.; Bailey, Andrew