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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Nov-2002Appendectomy protects against the development of ulcerative colitis but does not affect its courseSelby, W. S.; Griffin, S.; Abraham, S.; Solomon, M. J.; Abraham, Ned 
Jul-2007Meta-analysis of non-randomized comparative studies of the short-term outcomes of laparoscopic resection for colorectal cancerAbraham, N. S.; Byrne, C. M.; Young, J. M.; Solomon, M. J.; Abraham, Ned 
Sep-2004Meta-analysis of short-term outcomes after laparoscopic resection for colorectal cancerAbraham, N. S.; Young, J. M.; Solomon, M. J.; Abraham, Ned 
Mar-2010Meta-analysis of well-designed nonrandomized comparative studies of surgical procedures is as good as randomized controlled trialsAbraham, N. S.; Byrne, C. J.; Young, J. M.; Solomon, M. J.; Abraham, Ned 
Oct-2013Multicenter randomized trial of centralized nurse-led telephone-based care coordination to improve outcomes after surgical resection for colorectal cancer: the CONNECT interventionYoung, J. M.; Butow, P. N.; Walsh, J.; Durcinoska, I.; Dobbins, T. A.; Rodwell, L.; Harrison, J. D.; White, K.; Gilmore, A.; Hodge, B.; Hicks, H.; Smith, S.; O'Connor, G.; Byrne, C. M.; Meagher, A. P.; Jancewicz, S.; Sutherland, A.; Ctercteko, G.; Pathma-Nathan, N.; Curtin, A.; Townend, D.; Abraham, N. S.; Longfield, G.; Rangiah, D.; Young, C. J.; Eyers, A.; Lee, P.; Fisher, D.; Solomon, M. J.; Hodge, Bruce; Longfield, Greg; Sutherland, Andrew; Abraham, Ned S. 
Sep-2006Non-entry of eligible patients into the Australasian Laparoscopic Colon Cancer StudyAbraham, N. S.; Hewett, P.; Young, J. M.; Solomon, M. J.; Abraham, Ned 
Apr-2006A systematic review of reasons for nonentry of eligible patients into surgical randomized controlled trialsAbraham, N.; Young, J. M.; Solomon, M. J.; Abraham, Ned