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PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Sep-2020Durvalumab with first-line chemotherapy in previously untreated malignant pleural mesothelioma (DREAM): a multicentre, single-arm, phase 2 trial with a safety run-inNowak, A.K.; Lesterhuis, W.J.; Cook, A.M.; Kok, P.S.; Brown, C.; Langford, A.; Yip, S.; Stockler, M.R.; Hughes, B.G.; Karikios, D.J.; John, T.; Kao, S.C.H.; Leslie, C.; Pavlakis, N.; Briscoe, Karen; O'Byrne, K.J.; Karapetis, C.S.; Lam, W.S.; Briscoe, Karen 
Aug-2021MONARCC: a randomised phase II study of panitumumab monotherapy and panitumumab plus 5-fluorouracil as first-line therapy for RAS and BRAF wildtype metastatic colorectal cancer: a study by the Australasian Gastrointestinal Trials Group (AGITG)Siu, H. W. D.; Tebbutt, N.; Chantrill, L.; Karapetis, C.; Steer, C.; Wilson, K.; Espinoza, D.; Bailey, L.; Yip, S.; Cuff, J.; Pavlakis, N.; Thavaneswaran, S.; Briscoe, K.; Srivastav, R.; Shannon, J.; Segelov, E.; Tie, J.; Caird, S.; Francesconi, A.; Price, T.; Wuttke, M.; Ladwa, R.; Sjoquist, K.; Burge, M.; Briscoe, Karen 
Nov-2015A phase III randomized trial of adding topical nitroglycerin to first-line chemotherapy for advanced nonsmall-cell lung cancer: the Australasian lung cancer trials group NITRO trialDavidson, A; Veillard, A-S; Tognela, A.; Chan, M. M. K.; Hughes, B. G. M.; Boyer, M.; Briscoe, K.; Begbie, S.; Abdi, E.; Crombie, C.; Long, J.; Boyce, A.; Lewis, C. R.; Varma, S.; Broad, A.; Muljadi, M.; Chinchen, S.; Espinoza, D.; Coskinas, X.; Pavlakis, N.; Millward, M.; Stockler, M. R.; Australasian Lung cancer Trials Group ALTG; Briscoe, Karen; Begbie, Stephen