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Browsing by Author Klimis, H.
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Preview | Issue Date | Title / Name | Author(s) |
| May-2022 | Text Messages to Improve Medication Adherence and Secondary Prevention After Acute Coronary Syndrome: The TEXTMEDS Randomized Clinical Trial | Chow, C. K.; Klimis, H.; Thiagalingam, A.; Redfern, J.; Hillis, G. S.; Brieger, D.; Atherton, J.; Bhindi, R.; Chew, D. P.; Collins, N.; Fitzpatrick, M. A.; Juergens, C.; Kangaharan, N.; Maiorana, A.; McGrady, M.; Poulter, R.; Shetty, P.; Waites, J.; Craig, C. H.; Thompson, P.; Stepien, Sandriene; von Huben, A.; Rodgers, A.; TEXTMEDS Investigators, *; Waites, Jonathon | |