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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Sep-2022Bone health assessment with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry in men with high-risk prostate carcinoma commencing adjuvant androgen deprivation therapyPan, B.; Aherne, N. J.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Grossmann, M.; Wong, P. K. K.; Pan, Belinda; Aherne, Noel; Shakespeare, Thomas P. 
Mar-2016Can we avoid dose escalation for intermediate-risk prostate cancer in the setting of short-course neoadjuvant androgen deprivation?Shakespeare, T. P.; Wilcox, S. W.; Aherne, N. J.; Shakespeare, Thomas P.; Wilcox, Shea; Aherne, Noel 
May-2016Can we avoid high levels of dose escalation for high-risk prostate cancer in the setting of androgen deprivation?Shakespeare, T. P.; Wilcox, S. W.; Aherne, N. J.; Shakespeare, Thomas P.; Wilcox, Shea; Aherne, Noel 
Mar-2020Choosing between conventional and hypofractionated prostate cancer radiation therapy: Results from a study of shared decision-makingShakespeare, T. P.; Westhuyzen, J.; Fai, T. L. Y.; Aherne, N. J.; Shakespeare, Thomas P.; Westhuyzen, Justin; Aherne, Noel 
Jul-2013Decision regret in men undergoing dose-escalated radiation therapy for prostate cancerSteer, A. N.; Aherne, N. J.; Hoffman, M.; Last, A.; Hill, J.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Steer, Anna N.; Aherne, Noel; Hoffman, Matthew; Last, Andrew; Hill, Jacques; Shakespeare, Thomas P. 
Mar-2020Effect of clinical and treatment factors on survival outcomes of triple negative breast cancer patientsWen, S.; Manuel, L.; Doolan, M.; Westhuyzen, J.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Aherne, N. J.; Wen, Shelly; Manuel, Lucy; Doolan, Moira; Westhuyzen, Justin; Shakespeare, Thomas P.; Aherne, Noel 
Feb-2015Is modern external beam radiotherapy with androgen deprivation therapy still a viable alternative for prostate cancer in an era of robotic surgery and brachytherapy: a comparison of Australian seriesWilcox, S. W.; Aherne, N. J.; McLachlan, C. S.; McKay, M. J.; Last, A. J.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Wilcox, Shea; Aherne, Noel; Last, Andrew; Shakespeare, Thomas P. 
Feb-2017Long-term decision regret after post-prostatectomy image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapyShakespeare, T. P.; Chin, S.; Manuel, L.; Wen, S.; Hoffman, M.; Wilcox, S. W.; Aherne, N. J.; Shakespeare, Thomas P.; Chin, Stephen; Hoffman, Matthew; Wilcox, Shea; Aherne, Noel 
Aug-2014Long-term outcomes from dose-escalated image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy with androgen deprivation: encouraging results for intermediate-and high-risk prostate cancerWilcox, S. W.; Aherne, N. J.; Benjamin, L. C.; Wu, B.; De Campos Silva, T.; McLachlan, C. S.; McKay, M. J.; Last, A. J.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Wilcox, Shea; Aherne, Noel; Benjamin, Linus C.; Wu, Bosco; Last, Andrew; Shakespeare, Thomas P. 
Apr-2020Mathematical oncology and its application in non melanoma skin cancer - a primer for radiation oncology professionalsAherne, N. J.; Dharwan, A.; Scott, J. G.; Enderling, H.; Aherne, Noel J. 
Dec-2021Patterns of relapse following hippocampal avoidance prophylactic cranial irradiation for small cell lung carcinomaCook, T. A.; Hoffman, M. R.; Ross, A. J.; Turnbull, K. J.; Westhuyzen, J.; Aherne, N. J.; Cook, Theresa A.; Hoffman, Matthew R.; Ross, Amie J.; Turnbull, Kirsty J.; Westhuyzen, Justin; Aherne, Noel J. 
Jan-2022Prognostic Value of the Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio in Triple Negative Breast Cancer PatientsShi, K.; Westhuyzen, J.; Gortman, A.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Aherne, N. J.; Shi, Kate; Westhuyzen, Justin; Shakespeare, Thomas, P.; Aherne, Noel 
2013Prostate cancer in a male with Holt-Oram Syndrome: First clinical association of the TBX5 mutationAherne, N. J.; Rangaswamy, G.; Thirion, P.; Aherne, Noel J. 
2018Radiation-induced gliomas.Aherne, N. J.; Murphy, B.M.; Aherne, Noel J. 
Oct-2013Rheumatoid nodules mimicking metastatic anal carcinoma in a patient undergoing multimodality treatmentAherne, N. J.; Mincham, S.; McKay, M. J.; Hill, J. D.; Last, A.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Aherne, Noel; McKay, Michael J.; Hill, Jacques; Last, Andrew; Shakespeare, Thomas P. 
Apr-2009Steroidal antiandrogen administration to treat gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue-induced orchialgiaSteer, A. N.; Aherne, N. J.; Chong, V. S.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Steer, Anna N.; Aherne, Noel; Shakespeare, Thomas P. 
Sep-2021Survival outcomes for breast cancer patients who decline recommended treatment: a propensity score-matched analysisShingde, R.; Salindera, S.; Aherne, N. J.; Millard-Newton, L.; Houlton, A.; Sanderson, E.; Bowers, P.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Ross, W.; Salindera, Shehnarz; Aherne, Noel; Millard-Newton, Lee; Houlton, Adelene; Shakespeare, Thomas P.; Ross, William 
Jul-2009Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SIAD) in a patient with rectal carcinoma undergoing preoperative radiationAherne, N. J.; Steer, A. N.; Warrier, A.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Aherne, Noel; Steer, Anna N.; Warrier, A.; Shakespeare, Thomas P. 
Dec-2017Toxicity after post-prostatectomy image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy using Australian guidelinesChin, S.; Aherne, N. J.; Last, A.; Assareh, H.; Shakespeare, T. P.; Chin, Stephen; Aherne, Noel J.; Last, Andrew; Shakespeare, Thomas P.